Monday, May 7, 2007

Midnight Hot Show Timing

Group poll? Which group? The logo of the group

It has now got to break ..... Here
ki cries, saying words ki, ki leaves and in the end it remains this way: with a great sense of having lost time for all this fucking time.
Virtually No longer exists or the group, at least, is the feeling qst ke ho!
xkè nn is it? And I know ke! I was not there when it is worn above the "break" and not ke sn aware of stories from various stakeholders ....
The only thing is for sure is I ke one knows we are doing. I have a feeling everyone wants to do ke sensational acts to prove men. Actually I've always had a little impression xò qst in the end it was brown and we had fun together .. but not anymore!
Everything goes to fuck off and poke those anke ke illusions I had created did not have better luck!
remains so bitter about not having been there: maybe you could help me anke. Maybe in a positive or perhaps negative, but at least I did something!
Now I have to "engage" in a speech already started and ke, in my opinion, and started really badly!
ke is I know for sure there is room for removal. He suffers and celebrates together and in any case, every fucking event, it must be united!
Unfortunately it is not so, and then try to remedy! Convinced
ke sooner or later a solution is found
Manu, the pseudo-bassist mangiabimbi


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