Monday, December 8, 2008

Sample Cv For Beauty Therapist

Menton, bal est mon tango - December 6, 2008 Milonga

I'm back.
Saturday we went to Menton at the Palais de l'Europe. The evening was pleasant, the music a bit 'too traditional (dj Jacques Marie), with a bit of nuevo added by Pierre (a tanda alone!). The floor is always a bit 'slippery: I had shoes with leather and I risked. The whole setting was treated with Christmas lights and a red efforts. Look at the photos for yourself ....

Monday, November 10, 2008

Worksheets On Hazards In The Kitchen

"The Yumba" - Saturday, November 8, 2008

Here I am after a long period of silence. Not that it did not go to dance, but many commitments and the new Facebook (new to me) they took me away.
Back indoors after the summer.
Yumba The milonga is organized by the association Sarine Tango Very Nice Nice. The music in the first part of the evening was the traditional mold, in the second part "nueva". Unfortunately, the most beautiful pieces placed them just as we were about to leave ... However, the evening was spent among Italian-French chatter and Tanda. For once we were photographed us ... Thanks to Rose ...

Monday, September 8, 2008

Thesis Defense Sample Prayer

shoes, shoes on the wall ...

announced to all the ladies with foot fairy: sell several pairs of shoes size 36 brand new 1 / 2 and 37 mark just arrived from Argentina Tango Brujo, due to measurement error. For information contact me via the "View My Profile." In some photos album section.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Molested Japanese Wife

Bees in Bloom 2007: exhibition of Carlo and Simona Ferrando Margiocchi to Vallebona

I'm back. Sorry for the long time, but between work and vacation I have not had time to write. Public
a year later (!) Photos taken in 2007 at an event organized by the Municipality of Vallebona "Bee in Flower." The "bees" are the typical three-wheeler used to carry bundles of broom, mimosa or another, the only means which can pass through the narrow streets of the villages in Liguria, given their small size. Margiocchi Carlo and Simona Ferrando they performed the music two groups in two different squares. The room full of flowers made it all very lively. The photos in the album.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

What Happens To Sperm When You Are Pregnant

Mamac in Nice: A

Tuesday July 1: we arrive and there's very few people. Many are Trielle to the stage with Federico Moreno. Only 2 or 3 couples dance. Perfect evening to try out the footsteps. Ennio feels better and begins to dance a little 'more.
Friday, July 4, many people. Among other things, the Italian delegation is almost complete. The evening is warm and pleasant. The rage of our camping chairs, so much so that I have orders ...
photo album section.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Lia Sophia Shopping Party Invite

other evenings on Friday night at East Mamac

Last Friday we were dancing at Mamac in Nice. For those who do not know, is a milonga organized by the French "El gato tango", where Pierre, the president, makes music with a portable system and where they dance in an open space between the Mamac (Museum of Modern Art ) and the Theatre. The music is "atypical" as he likes to call Pierre, with traditional and modern pieces, passing by Pink Floyd. The atmosphere is casual and cheerful, halfway between a practice and a milonga. The only downside is that there are no seats, except for one wall, and then it is strictly up and after a while 'becomes difficult (especially for us girls fitted heels ...), unless equip sediola with camping and portable folding shoulder (as we did Ennio and I, returning from hours standing last year!). The photos in the album.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Why Is My Mouth Dry After Drinking Water

Mon Bal Tango: milonga in Menton

Last night we went to Mentone.
We were a bit 'uncomfortable, given the experience a bit of Christmas' disappointing.
I must say the evening was more fun than expected: the music was pleasant (but still quite traditional with some point of "nuevo"). The only drawback: the floor ... very slippery and there was dancing, lethal to walk (one lady has fallen ..). Ennio
did a lot 'of photos, having just danced because of a twisted take a couple of weeks ago.
find photos in the section on the side.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Bandana Metal Core Wheels

first step!

Hello everyone!
me introduce myself: My name is Simon (aka La Chica del Sol), Camporosso live in and work as a librarian.
I love the tango with my partner Ennio (aka efio) I delight to photograph.
I decided to create this blog to post a bit 'of photos taken during classes or milongas.
I hope you like it!